Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 2 - We can see the light! (through the vents in the roof)

Structural work will be most of what we see for the next few weeks. Not as dramatic and visual as the demo week, but these project make me feel like real work is being done. We are also getting a chance to see how the space will open up. I was nervous going in to this week as you never know what you will find behind walls. The structural engineer and architect took a look and said there are no major surprises but some smaller head scratchers (as in, why the heck did the prior homeowners do that?). This will result in a change order, so keep your fingers crossed that it isn't too much!


That grey area on the left is the sheetrock for the ceiling below (the apartment where we are currently living. There a now a few holes in the ceiling which they will fix once the structural work is done (I'll show that another time). 

This is looking up into apartment 4. They have removed all of the floors and set plywood down.

This is looking into the old kitchen in apartment three. The white stuff is from various drips overtime from what was out old kitchen. There is a reason there was a hole in the floor when we moved in.

Hmmm, no idea why the sub-floor is bad here, but my theory is the flippers who renovated this house in 1970 just didn't fix it and put flooring over it. 

This is above our old kitchen on the 4th floor. I think this used to be a walk-up stairway to the roof. We currently have a permanent metal ladder to the roof hatch

More old gas pipes in the ceiling for gas lighting. I am hoping the team can remove these since they haven't been connected to a gas line in 40+ years. 

This is the 4th floor living room. I am not sure why they only covered with plywood in the center of the room. I think it is so they can look at where they will be cutting the floor for the stairs. 

 Hello roof, from the third floor.

The beam that will soon be gone.

Looking up from the thrid floor. This is where the stairway will be.

They have removed the bathtub and floor from the 3rd floor bath.
 Roof vent. And what our architect called a "ratty" system to keep the ceiling attached to the rafters. They will redo this.

The master bedroom where they will put the new AC system in. 

Protecting the brick in the hallways. 

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